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The Relationship between banker and broker:

A shared commitment to ‘doing the right thing for the client’ underpins a positive and successful working relationship between Goodman Corporate Finance and Lloyds SME Banking.

How Goodman Corporate Finance and Lloyds SME Banking Can Help:

  • Clients benefit from professionalism and commercial understanding.
  • Very wide and varied pot of funding options.
  • Bespoke solutions that are appropriate to the individual.

Chris Curtis, Business Development Director at Lloyds SME Banking, has been putting together financial packages for Goodman clients for around eight years, with typical deals including day-to-day banking facilities, and funding through loans, overdrafts and commercial and asset finance.


“When Goodman approach me with details about a client and their requirements, we will often work together to assess whether they are a viable proposition for Lloyds, and discuss the options to deliver the best outcome,” he explained. “The key principle for us both is that we do the right thing for the client. Paul is hugely passionate about that – even if it means saying ‘no’.

Chris Curtis - Business Development Director at Lloyds SME Banking

“While my role is primarily to bring business into Lloyds, I know that with the other funding options they have available to them, Goodman can sometimes do things that high street banks can’t.

“My confidence in Paul, his company and their ability to make things happen means I am happy to introduce them to my clients if I think they could help where Lloyds isn’t able to. I have also recommended to colleagues that they make a similar introduction to Goodman when appropriate. Introductions like these are not made lightly, as we take looking after our clients very seriously.

“Goodman’s high standards and compliance understanding reflect our thinking at Lloyds and reassure me as a banker.”

If you are interested in learning more about Goodman’s bespoke broker services and how we can help your specific financial needs, then you can click on the relevant links: Asset FinanceCorporate Finance ServicesInvoice Finance, or Property Finance.

Already have an idea of what type of financing you require? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Contact us here or call us now on 0333 3583502 for a free consultation with one of our expert corporate finance specialists.

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