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funders credit4

The Lender:

The personal approach offered by flexible funders makes them perfect partners for Goodman Corporate Finance.

Credit4 was founded in October 2013 and provides guarantee-backed, flexible lending facilities to growing UK SMEs by taking the time to understand the businesses that it agrees to fund.

How this lender-broker relationship helps clients:

  • Exceptional market knowledge
  • More successful introductions
  • Personable and personal
  • putting the client at the centre of their own story

The team at Goodman Corporate Finance strives to deliver a tailored funding solution for each individual client, and with that personal approach mirrored by Credit4, Goodman was ideally placed to pilot Credit4’s new ‘Dual Growth Funding’ finance product – a combined flexible facility and term loan funding option – months before it was introduced to the market.


Gary Trott, Chief Executive Officer at Credit4, said: “With our individual approach we can take decisions on SME funding that other less personal lenders are unable to deal with. Our funding products are innovative and aim to give UK SMEs access to funding to allow them to grow and to have a high degree of flexibility over the way they use that funding.

We made contact with Paul Goodman in the early stages of our business because the company frequently came up in conversation with other market participants as one of the leading brokers, which was also reinforced by Paul’s position in the NACFB.

Gary Trott - CEO at Credit4

“We wanted to work with Goodman as they are well established and they understand the market and the types of businesses that fall into our lending criteria. Because they understand our funding products and how and why we do what we do, we receive better quality introductions that match us with the right customers.”

Credit4’s ‘Flexible Facility’ and ‘Dual Growth Funding’ products are both available through Goodman – with Goodman having piloted the Dual Growth Funding product months before it was available to the rest of the market.

The company has already made more than £1.5m available to UK SMEs and is looking forward to what’s next.

“The future is bright, with a vibrant market that offers many opportunities,” said Gary. “We have a strategic plan in place to make the most of this, and it includes working alongside market-leading partners such as Goodman.”

If you are interested in learning more about Goodman’s bespoke broker services and how we can help your specific financial needs, then you can click on the relevant links: Asset FinanceCorporate Finance ServicesInvoice Finance, or Property Finance.

Already have an idea of what type of financing you require? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Contact us here or call us now on 0333 3583502 for a free consultation with one of our expert corporate finance specialists.

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